Friday, April 16, 2010

iceland volcano ash and stuck in airport

i cant get my head around this, but this is really happening, when the volcano ash cloud over the northern side of europe, i just cannot cannot imagine, the scale of this event, i mean, we've heard so many disaster and things,this is another level entirely, right now those emergency response unit,who can in such short span of time to make it as comfortable as possible for the passengers during the aftermath must be so crucial, to be careful and to ensure everything is calm and safe...

i feel sorry for them who are currently stuck in airport, including my two colleagues who were in Cannes for a conference, there are so many concern in this situation, would travel insurance cover it, what about additional nights to stay in europe, its not the cheapest option in the world, and family who are anxiously waiting, is there a way out for these passengers?

there is nothing we can do but to hope that things will turn better soon, this is a type of situation and really how i would say in chinese 手足无措, hands tied down....

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