Tuesday, January 11, 2011

egg face

Scott made some hard boiled eggs,
because he got too many, 2 dozen of eggs,
and he doesn't eat egg everyday or maybe once a week,
usually he would just mark hard boiled eggs with an X
but this time around he decided to draw faces, it was fun.
the TOP row is my drawing, the BOTTOM is Scott's
he draw me first and his idea of me is that i have a
and a big nose (which makes me look like a man)
and big lips... if he draw a smiley face maybe its closer
as for revenge time, i draw him crossed eyes,
and a big large nose (which is true in real life)
and very very thin lips (also true in real life)
it was good fun, it made my evening much better
before i had to focus my mind into checking work emails.

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