Thursday, November 18, 2010

Mission: walking to the grocery store to get stuff

i feel like a 6 years old today, my misson for the day is

Walk to the Safeway grocer with $30 to buy
1. Sunsweet pitted prunes
2. Sandwich resealable plastic bags
3. Stretch bag
4. in the process of walking, EXERCISE and burn calories.

in Malaysia, i can DRIVE to avoid the HOT weather
can wear slipper, shorts and overworn t-shirt to go,
parked in a roof parking, and walk leisurely into the mall.

today, with the weather at -12 and scattered snowfall and wind,
(TOMORROW is - 21celcius, dont ask me why it changes so DRAMATICALLY!)
i look out of the patio, the Safeway grocer is just in front of me,
but it looks like the longest walk ever cos i have no idea how to get there,
Everything is covered in snow!
the point is dont even know which one is ditch or road,

Scott didnt exactly map it out for me, he just told me on the phone
that i can walk in between the apartment corridor inside
one reason is to avoid the cold, the other is its a shorter route
but his directions doesnt really made sense, so i PREPARED.

like, being over dramatic, wear the winter long underwear + jeans,
a long sleeve top, plus green sweater, winter jacket standby with a scarf.
wear my thick socks and winter uggs, all these just to get 3 items?????

i made it there, found the items, went to the autopay machine,
scan the products, bagged them, when its time to insert cash,
i look so stupid, total costs is $15, but i put in the $10 note.....
and then only i put in the $20 note, i could've just insert the $20 note...
i think i'm learning everything like a kid again, seriously.....

walked back home, deep snow up til ankle,
wet shoes, stomp the foot on the carpet,
enter the superwarm house,
take off all the jackets change everything
and wear shorts again.

what a PROCESS!


六月 said...


ariel said...


yee.wean said...

you'll be sick of getting out of ur home and put so many layers on just to get yourself warm enough and for that one pint of milk ur short of!!! i juat dun fancy winter anymore!